31 Aug 2022
An expert panel of industry leaders
If companies such as RedHat and Netflix with billions in revenue are open sourcing their projects, why are more enterprises not doing this? GitHub Star, Eddie Jaoude, shares his experiences of working with corporate, private sector and high street banking clients, in the context of successes and challenges of open sourcing their projects through case studies.
This talk addresses common misconceptions on the link between open source security and project data, how enterprises can learn from start-ups by removing red tape blockers and taking a collaborative approach for greater project success.
GitHub Star of the Year 2020, Eddie Jaoude, shares his experiences of working with corporate, private sector and high street banking clients, in the context of successes and challenges of open sourcing their projects through case studies. This talk addresses common misconceptions on the link between open source security and project data, how enterprises can learn from start-ups by removing red tape blockers and taking a collaborative approach for greater project success.
With the tech workforce constantly evolving – whether that is following industry best practices or what candidates are looking for in a company – Eddie looks at why having open source projects will make you more attractive as an employer.
No matter what stage your company is at in its open source journey; considering it as an option, starting out or having embarked on it many years ago – Eddie shares his predictions on the future of open source in enterprise with tools like Copilot, CodeSpaces, GitHub Actions and what you can do to make your open source project a success by automating the changelog creation, automating the release and automating the deployment.

Eddie Jaoude
Founder Eddie Hub
Eddie has worked in developer relations from a senior software engineer to a senior developer advocate for over 15 years. While contributing to many open source projects on GitHub, he has trended in the top 11 and been in the top 500 open source contributors in the world on GitHub.