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Key areas of opportunity

Productivity enhancement through re-use and open source

esynergy uses AI, automation, and scalable platforms to improve operational efficiency and remove bottlenecks in public services. We focus on reusing technology and adopting open-source solutions to boost developer productivity and operational agility. Our strategy streamlines service delivery, fosters innovation, and speeds up digital transformation while adhering to the Technology Code of Practice for best practices in all technical decisions.

Project to product approach with cross-government collaboration

We adopt a project-to-product mindset, evolving services based on user feedback and needs. Our approach leverages cross-government collaboration to share insights and best practices, enhancing responsiveness and resilience in public services. Aligned with the Service Standard, we focus on user-centric, accessible, and easy-to-use services, promoting cooperation and agility.

User & citizen experience enhanced by digital innovation

We use digital innovations to improve public services, focusing on superior user experiences. Our solutions prioritise convenience and responsiveness, keeping public institutions relevant and engaging in the digital age. Through strategic technology use, we boost citizen satisfaction and position public services at the forefront of digital excellence.

Use Cases

Use Case #1

Cost reduction and acceleration through digital transformation

Public services face challenges with outdated systems and processes, leading to high operational costs and slow service delivery.


Leveraging technology to gain a full view of operations enables better decision-making and strategic planning.

Technical approach

  • Digitisation of manual forms to eliminate paper-based processes and improve accessibility
  • API integration to facilitate seamless data exchange between different systems, enhancing efficiency
  • Adoption of automation for routine tasks, thereby reducing time and associated costs

Use Case #2

Achieving operational excellence with 360 observability

Public services need comprehensive monitoring to track and improve operational performance.


Leveraging technology to gain a full view of operations enables better decision-making and strategic planning.

Technical approach

  • Development of a robust platform build emphasising security, scalability, and comprehensive data integration for full operational visibility
  • Utilisation of data visualisation tools to facilitate clear, actionable insights into performance metrics
  • Implementation of advanced security protocols to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data throughout the monitoring process

Use Case #3

Cultivating a product mindset in public services

Transitioning from project-based to product-based approaches in public services fosters continuous improvement and innovation, focusing on evolving services based on user feedback and changing needs.


Adopting a product mindset enables rapid integration and analysis of new data within risk models, swiftly validating assumptions and adapting services to meet public expectations.

Technical approach

  • Implement a Zero Trust security framework to ensure every access request is verified, safeguarding data in a dynamic environment.
  • Develop adaptive platforms for easy integration of various data types, supporting quick service iterations.
  • Utilise data analytics and machine learning to process diverse data, uncovering insights for service evolution.
  • Establish feedback mechanisms with users for real-time insights, aligning services more closely with user needs.
  • Foster a culture of innovation, encouraging experimentation within a secure framework to continually refine services.

Our technical capabilities

our team

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