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esynergy: Benefiting our communities

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Our purpose and values are what define us as a business. So, why would you want to be part of the communities that are involved in our mission?

Whether you’re permanently involved in our business, you’re a lead associate delivering something with us, or a partner, we want you to feel the same about this mission. Here’s what we believe you’ll get from being part of esynergy’s communities:

We want to create a business that’s led by its purpose, not driven by quarterly numbers or an end game. We’ll aim to focus on value creation rather than land and expand.

Value led
We want to be value-led and focus on doing the right thing. If you create and deliver value you will, in turn, gain greater value from what you’re delivering.

We’ll constantly iterate our model to encourage new offerings that solve new problems, celebrating growth rather than blaming past mistakes.

Portfolio-based working
This means creating wonderful engagements and opportunities without the politics, allowing you to work across multiple engagements while sharing and taking advantage of learnings, allowing you to try new things.

A sense of belonging
You’ll feel like you’re part of a big family and truly belong, rather than being just a number. We have a key focus on diversity and inclusion but more importantly on belonging. This encourages you to demonstrate who you really are.

This is our future path

This plan sets out a clear path for us. Our ambition is to create a culture that’s driven by our values, where we look at the value we deliver, celebrate our learnings and become better versions of ourselves.

Our new strategy will ensure our communities and customers are more fulfilled; we’re putting diversity at the heart of what we do and we’re showing we really care. With great change brings great opportunity and if we’re prepared to constantly evolve, we’ll still be adding value 20 years from now – just as we were 20 years ago.

We’ll be value-driven, and this plan and purpose will be constantly iterated, in real-time, for and by our communities.

We can’t claim that everything we’ve done in the past has been perfect, but we want to keep learning and improving as we move towards making esynergy a better place to work.