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our focus

Primary offerings


Strategy, products, platforms, processing & integration governance, genAI

Explore Data green orbit right aligned


FinOps, app modernisation, platform build & integration, scalability & performance

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Ways of Working

Agile, lean, DevOps, secure engineering, business agility

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Our focus

Primary industry sectors

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Public services

Central government & third sector

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Financial services

Capital markets, asset & wealth management, payments & fintech

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Personal lines & commercial, brokers, speciality insurance

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Public and private healthcare, pharma, medtech, not-for-profit

our commitment

Key focus areas for us moving forward

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A transparent culture where open expression is valued and respected, fostering trust and viewing honesty as a strength, not a vulnerability.

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Fostering teamwork through clear, ongoing communication to achieve shared goals, both within our organization and throughout our communities.

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Emphasizing continuous learning and self-improvement in a supportive, blame-free environment that encourages personal and professional development.

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“69% of digital transformation projects fail”

McKinsey study (2021)

Adele & Nick in the esynergy office

The challenges we solve

Enterprise organizations often fail to derive value from technology due to a talent shortage experienced in this area

This results in more unsuccessful digital and data projects than successful ones. Outdated business models from traditional consulting firms and unchanged supplier management by procurement teams have worsened this issue. Failures frequently stem from a poor grasp of business problems, inexperience, undefined accountabilities, indifference, ineffective adoption of new technologies or methodologies, a lack of unified vision, communication, and customer focus.

Harriet and Leo in the esynergy office

how we measure value

Talking about value creates lots of subjectivity, we aim to change this

We ultimately need to link our every piece back value. To do that we use primary (revenue generation or cost optimization) and proxy metrics (e.g. risk mitigation, user experience, innovation, client retention).

Come and join

We have big ambitions and need your support

In return, we will give back an opportunity to work alongside some of the best in a high-performing culture whilst solving interesting challenges.

What’s in it for our customers

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- You will experience delivery teams with some of the best industry experts on the market
- We will continuously work to delivery measurable value, upskill and drive you and your teams to a place of self-sufficiency
- Our service doesn’t stop at delivery. We round our delivery up by bringing global thought leaders who run custom sessions, drive your show and tells or support you in building your technology employer brand

What’s in it for our team

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- Work with the best on some of the most interesting projects
- We all have purpose; create and deliver value for our communities
- Create financial stability for yourself
- Access to whole range events and content

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“There is no alternative to digital transformation. Visionary companies will carve out new strategic options for themselves – those who don’t adapt, will fail”

Jeff Bezos, Amazon

our commitment

Where we put our bets


Customer growth

esynergy is a £100m revenue business

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New projects & customers with repeatable work, patterns and methodologies

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Gamification of network and target clients


Strong focus on progressive technologies - GenAI, FinOps, Tokenisation etc



An engaged community of 2000

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Growth in all of our communities across associates, permanent staff and partners

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Gamification of communities through automation

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High level of engagement of community, a “Four Seasons" experience


Measurable value

£100m of value delivered to our clients by 2026

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Measure and deliver in excess of £100m across our projects

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Repeatable patterns, playbooks, accelerators that allow value creation at speed

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Commercial models tied to value creation; risk and reward

esynergy builds communities of experts 
across our specialisms

We are commercially linked to creating business value on the projects we deliver with our communities for our customers.

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