To be competitive in today’s market, your business needs to be agile – poised to seize any opportunity and to stay one step ahead of the competition. Nowhere is agility more important than in technology, particularly software development. Today’s consumer is tech-savvy and incredibly demanding. Tech solutions are penetrating our lives more and more every day and expectations grow as consumers are exposed to new gadgets, new applications and new capabilities.

The solution for keeping up with the need for software development that can be on pace with the market has traditionally been to build large, multi-disciplined development teams that could produce and innovate rapidly.

But the expense of maintaining such a team has simply become too costly. Developers command high salaries because they can. Demand is great. And the more experience they have, the more expensive they become to retain.

With such high demand for programmers and a finite supply of quality applicants, it is no wonder industry experts are predicting a shortfall of up to 900,000 development professionals in the EU by 2020.

The current trend is for leanness and agility in development teams. Even industry giants like Microsoft have drastically scaled back on large development teams and businesses are desperate for ways to cut development costs while remaining competitive in introducing new software to the market.

Talent Shortage
The burnout rate for software engineers is high. There is intense pressure on development teams to produce and, as demand intensifies, engineers simply have too much to do with too little time. Competent programming requires long periods of intense concentration – its no wonder some throw in the towel after only a few years.

With a shortage of available talent, the expense of retaining quality programmers, the increasing complexity of skill-sets required to function effectively in today’s tech environment, and the high burnout rate, businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to attract and retain talent, to keep pace with development spikes and rapidly scale-up to keep pace.

Ready Talent
eSynergy has built its presence in the market based on engagement with the IT community through webinars, speaking engagements and networking events. And with a successful track record of high-quality recruitment, we have cultivated a network of qualified IT professionals that is unrivalled. eSynergy has pre-formed, integrated SWAT teams that have been helping businesses with bespoke software solutions with proven and repeated success for years.

eSynergy’s Teams as a Service (TaaS) saves you the burden and cost of you having to find the talent you need to achieve your software goals. We have done all of the searching for the best talent so you don’t have to.

While consultancies can be a workable solution for some, there are drawbacks to the traditional consultancy model that are drawing more and more businesses away from this approach.

Very simply, consultancies are expensive – very expensive. They often put the client (you) in the unenviable position of surrendering control of timescales and outcome. Added to this, consultants often operate in isolation or are set apart from your in-house team so, when they finally do bring the project home, they have not added any value to your existing team.


Alternate Solution
eSynergy’s TaaS offers you a less expensive alternative where you maintain control of your project. We work with you in the planning stage to define the specific outcome you want to achieve, defining the timescales, and setting a cost.

Our teams work in focused scrums to frequent sprint-cycles and conduct retrospectives and reviews at every stage. You will always know exactly where your project stands in development and have the opportunity to provide input every step of the way.

And, with our teams working closely in conjunction with your own in-house team, you will be adding value and enhancing the skill sets of your own development potential. We provide long-term value.

No Interviewing/Onboarding
Expanding your existing development team to meet specific opportunities takes time. Sifting through countless CVs in order to select potential candidates for interview and finally make offers to new team members, eats up your valuable time and energy. (The standard ratio runs 5 CVs for 3 interviews leading to 1 potential candidate.)

And once you have onboarded your new candidate, there are always teething issues – assuring your team’s dynamic is not disrupted while integrating new members is another way we can add value.

eSynergy’s TaaS takes all of the time and energy required for recruitment and team-building off your hands for you. Our teams have often worked together before. This allows for frictionless communication between team members, it streamlines the sharing of creative approaches and avoids obstacles that might otherwise be encountered with reshaping internal teams.

Benefits of Pre-formed Teams
By leveraging its strong community network, eSynergy will mobilise teams comprised of the best talent available and, because our teams are pre-formed, we can bring their talent to bear on your project and start work immediately.

Whereas your in-house team may not always have the mix of skills required to bring your project over the line with the best possible outcome, eSynergy’s TaaS can draw from scores of talented professionals of specialized versatility and we muster outcome-specific teams that will provide the best possible solution for your needs.

From the beginning of your project, you define the desired outcome and eSynergy’s TaaS will deliver exactly what it is that you need. Our teams will work with you through the entire stream of development, from planning and analysis, to design, implementation, testing and launch. We provide quality throughput to a timely and quality solution at a cost that will beat other alternatives.

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